Car Rental from Mysore to Bangalore starts at Rs. 1990 + GST, get your hassle free online booking services from SARA CAB. Call us now to grab the car rental deal from us. Rental Car Mysore to Bangalore with range of Vehicle from Hatchback to Tempo traveler and Luxury cars available for rental hire. Please find below the tariff for one-way drop package.

Hatchback Indica, Liva, Figo or Similar Rs. 1990 150 Km
Sedan Etios, Dzire or Similar Rs. 2090 150 Km
SUV Innova, Ertiga or Similar Rs. 3190 150 Km
Mini-Van Tempo Travelers Rs. 5200 150 Km
Mini-Bus Swaraj Mazda, Ashok Leyland, Eicher Rs. 9500 150 Km

The places you can visit on your trip from Mysore to Bangalore. One stop online shop for best car rental services Mysore

See Car rental Mysore to Ooty Cab services
See Car rental Mysore to Coorg Cab services
See Car rental Mysore to Chennai Cab services
See Car rental Mysore to Hyderabad Cab services

Cubbon park Bangalore
Cubbon park, Bangalore
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Bangalore City Outstation Cabs
Bangalore Outstation Cabs
  • Question: Can driver talk in multiple languages?

    Yes, driver can talk in multiple languages. Depending on the chosen route appropriate drivers are assigned. Majority of our drivers can communicate in English, Hindi, Tamil and Kannada.

  • Question: What is your Mysore to Bangalore drop Fare for Innova?

    We charge starting Rs. 3190 for the Innova,  or similar SUV cars. These charges may different based on availability. Extra Kms are charged Rs. 17/km as applicable. You can check with us at +91 9900 74 75 76, or here for complete car rental tariff

  • Question: What is the distance from Mysore to Bangalore?

    The total kilometer from Mysore to Bangalore is 141 km, this is the estimated distance only from Suburban Bus Stand Mysore to Shanthi Nagar in Bangalore . Actual kilometer may vary based on the route you may choose or if any diversions due to road works and others. Travel duration is approximately 3 hrs 10 mins. You are covered with max 150 km one-way package to cover Bangalore to Mysore travel.

  • Question: What are the Popular places to visit in and around Bangalore?

    • Bangalore Palace
    • Lal Bagh
    • Cubbon Park
    • Ulsoor Lake
    • Gavi Gangadhareshwara Temple
    • Bangalore Fort
    • Vidhana Soudha
    • ISKCON Temple Bangalore
  • Question: Toll and taxes included in Mysore to Bangalore Taxi Fare?

    The one-way drop pack for Mysore to Bangalore is not inclusive of toll tax and you may need to pay the actuals of the toll and parking charges to the driver.

  • Question: Whom to contact for any issues along the way from Mysore to Bangalore ?

    Incase of any trouble or issues while driving from Mysore to Bangalore , you are requested to immediately call and inform our board line +91 898-898-7272 or send us email info[at] for us to assist you with the backup.

  • Question: About our Billing and Cancellation process

    You can book your cab from Mysore to Bangalore , online in the website or over the phone or email. You may need to pay the advance of 20% to confirm the booking and allocation of the cab. Due to change in the travel plan, if you may want to cancel, feel free to inform us much in advance before the day of travel.

Bangalore, now called Bengaluru is emblematic of the ‘modern and urban’ face of India. It attracts a large scale of tourists due to its numerous attractions such as Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, The Aquarium, Lalbagh, Cubbon Park, Bannerghatta National Park and Venkatappa Art Gallery, Vidhana Soudha. The city is well known as ‘Garden City of India’ and is also famously called as ‘Silicon Valley of India’ because of full-fledged and booming IT sectors and it is the one of biggest IT hub. Due to its attractive and huge malls that has unlimited shopping options, buzzing road ways and high rise of buildings, Bangalore is indeed the new face of modern India. For a tourist or a local, the best way to visit all these historical sites and famous malls is by renting a car in Bangalore and booking with us at SARA cab is always super convenient for commuters. We always assure you satisifed services and we are proud of delivering reliable services despite of all cheapest car rentals in Bengaluru at SARA cab.